Newland RT Ltd
Two Way Radio Repairs & Service
Newland RT Background

Philip Newland is a Radio Technician based in New Zealand with a wide level of experience on Motorola,Icom, Kenwood, Vertex, Tait, Hytera and many other types of Two Way Radio Equipment and systems. Philip was employed by Motorola NZ during the 80s and 90s at a time when there was a Motorola owned service shop in Auckland. He held the position of Workshop Supervisor for some years until Motorola decided to relocate their NZ service department to Australia, leaving a non-Motorola owned company to act as their NZ agent.
Newland RT Ltd, has for the last 20 years, provided a repair and maintenance service to a large number of Two Way Radio communications dealers throughout New Zealand.
A recent addition to the team at Newland RT is Max Alexander. Max is also an ex-Motorola technician from the Auckland service depot and is skilled in component level repair and special projects that require innovative thinking.
Many Two Way Radio dealers in New Zealand are now choosing to out-source their technical repairs to third party service shops that can concentrate on providing a good reliable component level repair.
To find out more, please email Philip at philip@newlandrt.com
or phone 021 812422